Hi, Friend!

Come see how our journey is going, and maybe be a part of it?


Meet our Board.

hover on the picture to see the name and the Position


Our Awaited Event...

The Next Event That is Created by IEEE-BUB SB



Allowing the energy of creativity within you to shape the curves of your life and embody your failures and successes in your painting.Your painting is yours alone, where you see yourself between its lines and your spirit in the mix of its colors.Even if you're scattered and confused, your passion and art will help you to reach.

Ghostech event

Our Latest Event.

The Last Event Created by IEEE-BUB SB


Let's Embark II

Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts because you're about to embark on a remarkable journey.

Event Details

  • Date: SATURDAY, 4 MARCH 2023
  • Place: ICB - International College Of Benha

What We Do.



Throughout the season, we present two events (winter event and mega event).



Workshops whether in sessions or in events, we try to benefit the students.



As members can
learn new skills can benefit them in their practical life later

Our Activities.

some of our activities among the season

ieee opening

Portal out of time event

This year we staged an extraordinary event. named Portal "Out Of Time". It was about different topics associated with technology, like programming, startups, web development, graphic design, mobile development, and talk about CV. These topics were represented by brilliant presenters. It was held on February 26. We did a big media campaign on our different social platforms and we reached more than 200 audiences.


We focus on developing our team members' skills and prepare them for the leading positions. We provide them with trainings and sessions designed to develop their talents, skills and leadership for the mega event.

ieee opening
ieee opening

Mega event

To carry out a successful event, we must focus on the planning stage, this is the most important stage to achieve the proposed objectives. It is necessary to visualize what we want to achieve, without this we will not be able to measure the results and verify that the proposed objective was achieved. In the planning process, the audience to whom we are directing our event is considered, what motivates them and what does not, what their needs are and how our event fits in with this. No matter the type of event we are organizing, or the way in which we reach the participants, planning is the only guarantee of success.

Heroes of The Month.

Some of Our Heroes of IEEE BUB for November 2022!

heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month
heros of the month

Our Committees

Now we will present a brief overview of our committees

Scientific committee

Technology pursuers.

More About Scientific
FR committee

The money makers.

More About FR
Media committee

Social media wizards.

More About Media
HR committee
HR committee

The bosses.

More About HR
logistic commmittee
Logistic committee

Organizing masters.

More About Logistic
PR committee
PR commmittee

The people's people.

More About PR

Our Instructors.

Our Instructors holding training for team members in diffrent tracks

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Ahmed Aymen

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Mohamed Sayed

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Omar Abd-Elmoneim

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Omar Aymen

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Mohamed Osama

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Shamel Hashem

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Mostafa Aymen

Our Partner.

line techne

The IEEE BUB Experience.

Why join us? let our older members tell you!

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