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Our Latest Events


Portal Beyond Now

Winter 2023

The main objective of the Portal Beyond Now event was to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to interact and learn from experts in various fields. The event aimed to educate and empower the participants to acquire new knowledge, skills, and ideas that would help them in their future careers. The event also aimed to foster networking opportunities among the participants and speakers to enable them to establish valuable professional connections. ...

Let's Embark

Winter 2022

The IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Initiative is an initiative led by the IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals team. The end goal of this Initiative is three-folded: -To strengthen the knowledge of our young entrepreneurs by providing them with mentorship. -Boosting their network by putting them in contact with the relevant stakeholders -Getting them global exposure by sponsoring their participation in Summits and other Entrepreneurship events of the kind.

Mind Game

Summer 2022

Mind Game was a technical event that allows participants to solve different mazes by building and programming an autonomous ultrasound-controlled car equipped with ultrasonic sensors and using automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and computational logic. Throughout the event days, a variety of speakers provided in-depth coverage of numerous technical and non-technical topics. It took place in Benha City from August 28 to September 1.

Reach your career

Winter 2022

Reach your career was organized by IEEE BUB SB and Benha Faculty Of Engineering-Student Union and lasted for 3 days. Speakers gave presentations on IEEE and its committees and covered all aspects of joining IEEE BUB SB. We informed the attendees about the different departments at their college and gave them a guide to help them choose the right department according to their interests.

Portal " out of time "

Winter 2022

It allowed participants to learn more about several tracks, such as startups, programming, graphic design, web development, mobile development, CVs, and interviews, all of which were delivered by brilliant and well-known speakers.

Under Control

Summer 2021

When will we realize that now, we are living in the FUTURE? Of course, life will be easier. We will be able to control everything around us standing exactly where we are. This will lead us to our main topic: IOT OR "INTERNET OF THINGS" This is what enables you to make a connection between more than one device in your system, and everything will be under your control. Recently, we've seen cars that send notifications that they need gas, the smart systems that Google and Amazo...


Winter 2021

Many of us think programming is difficult and they could not link it to the labor market. Programming is not just a language ... Programming is a way of thinking, So IEEE BUB held CODE OF DUTY III... A Problem Solving contest in its third edition. problem-solving is the process of identifying a problem, developing an algorithm for the identified problem, and finally implementing the algorithm to develop a computer program. Problem-solving is an important skill because most interviews...

Embedded Infinity War

Summer 2020

After teaching Arduino as an intro to embedded systems in the Track the Sun event, this mega event is moving on to a more advanced take on the Embedded systems field, and it’s the first event teaching the importance of combining software and hardware. Embedded Systems is one of the biggest fields everywhere in the world with the most required jobs these days, we discuss and teach a lot about the field during the event. The event goes on for 5 days and the target is to teach attendants a...

Code Of Duty 2

Winter 2019

Second installment of the Code of Duty mega event, this event’s main goal was to teach the importance of coding to both, software and hardware engineers and also whoever is interested in the programming field. Two sessions were held about problem solving at BFCAI on 12,13 February 2020. Like the first Code of Duty, a competition was held by the end of the event, but instead of doing it only inside the Banha University, this time Zagazig and Menofia joined, it was on ...

Track The Sun

Summer 2019

The fourth mega event was about advanced Arduino with basics of embedded systems and robotics, and for first time in Egypt we taught the attendants about solar energy and solar cells to power their robots. The event was a great success and had a huge impact on about 150 students from different ages and fields. Besides learning the basics of Arduino, the attendants also learned about advanced topics such as: Timers, Interrupt and Communication Protocols (like UART). These topics prepa...

Code Of Duty 1

Winter 2018

This event was about coding and problem solving and preparing the students for international competitions. An inner competition was held between students of Banha University

Game Of Controls

Summer 2018

The third mega event was about Internet of things “IOT” and how to connect electronic devices to each other, then to control those devices with smartphones. The final projects were “Smart Home” and “Smart City”.

Step Up Robothon

Summer 2016

1st Stage: The second mega event was about robotics and technology, it divided into two stages and the attendees were from across Egypt and at the end a competition was held, and the winners received awards. 2nd Stage: this stage was about advanced topics in robotics and technology, it was attended by the governor of Qalyubiya; Major General Mahmoud al-Ashmawi.


Summer 2016

Ignite was the first mega event and official opening for IEEE BUB SB in it's very first version. Ignite's vision was to illuminate the world starting with those promising students and bright minds They learned how to come up with new ideas, make use of them and to find out about great real opportunities that may actually change their life just like it did to many others. to the market and its real needs along with most of those technical trends attracting the whole world in many...

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