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Selected Committee

HR Committe


The committee responsible of the formation and development of team's manpower, and also the point system and motivation system 1. Prepare our system and rules , Maintain them and supervise their implementation 2. Identify the functions and responsibilities of everyone within the entity 3. Establish the electoral system and supervise the election 4. Determine the vacancies in each committee and recruit new members to fill this deficit by interviewing, hunting or any other method 5. Determine the appropriate job for each member and his appropriate place by knowing his skills and performance rate and vacancies in each committee to reach the ideal situation of man power planning. 6. Preparing, maintaining and continuously developing the database of our members 7. Identify ways of communication between members, committees and different positions and the mechanism for doing so 8. Follow up the work done within the entity 9. Collect all the documents and reports and save them all 10. Prepare the evaluation system and , Maintain it and supervise its implementation

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